Our digital photographic art projects captures the beauty of Central KY from the Majestic Horse Farms, Green Landscapes, Historic Landmarks, State Parks, Civil War re-enactments and many other topics that make Central KY such a wonderful place to live. Other major projects include the Grand Canyon National Park and the Franklin Mountains State Park. Below are a few of our more popular prints from a variety of categories. Please enjoy our work while respecting these are protected under federal copyright law.
Investors represent our work in the following countries:
USA / United Kingdom
Australia / New Zealand
Mexico / Canada
Germany / Italy
South Africa / Latvia
Select prints from our Equestrian Series. A majority made international debut at the 2010 World Equestrian Games, being the first time the event was held in the US in Lexington, KY, the Horse Capital of the World.
Our Tobacco Barn collection is second in popularity to our Equestrian collection.
Our next "Kentucky Memory" project - Bourbon Distilleries throughout Central Kentucky. Here are a few samples.