Russ Falkenburg has joined forces with Hunters for the Hungry to continue fighting hunger, bringing you Kentucky's first ever public land scouting guide.  Whether you are an experienced hunter that has recently moved to the Bluegrass State, or someone who has wanted to enter the world of hunting but unsure where to start, this guide is for you.  With over one million acres of public hunting land in Kentucky, the question of where to start can be overwhelming.  This guide cuts out small, easily accessible portions of the highlighted WMAs in order to give you a solid head start.   Let us do the Grunt work while you take the Trophy.

Volume I: Introduction to White-tailed Deer Hunting. Learn the basics of equipment, deer science and behavior, field craft and map reading. Covers 10 WMAs with easier access and terrain for a good starting point for all skill levels.

Click HERE to order.

A RECORD YEAR!  After the release of this guide, KY had a record year of deer harvest on public land by a considerable 12% increase from previous record, and H4H had a record year of donated deer, resulting in 467,000 meals distributed across the state to those in need.

Volume II: Advanced Tactics and Techniques. Dives deeper into statistical scouting, map reading, field tactics and more. Covers 8 additional WMAs, expands on two previously highlighted WMAs with some focus on DBNF. 

Click HERE to order.

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