Garden Design
Falkenburg Gardens
Custom Concepts & Design. Your Ideas combined with our imagination equals a detailed plan that you can move forward as a Do-it-yourself project or hire a contractor to finalize for you. With over a decade of gardening and design, we can assist in creating your dream garden that you can enjoy in privacy and solitude of the backyard or amaze the neighborhood with an impressive front yard.
A well organized, functional and aesthetically pleasing garden can improve mental health, lower stress and increase property value. We will build a near 3D replica of your property, work with you to fine tune details and present an organized plan in a portfolio you can use as a guide as you progress, and as we keep digital files, we can assist with future changes.
Contact us to discuss further. Limited availability.
"Custom Designs"
by Falkenburg Gardens
A detailed combination of digital layouts from professional landscaping software and prints from our Gardens series to invoke thought and imagination for you to design your own amazing garden that is sure to be the spotlight of the neighborhood. These well thought out designs cover various plants, trees and shrubs for year-round color to showcase each of the four seasons in zones 6/7.
Produced in a durable perfect-bound 8.5x11 format with a heavy 80# (216gsm) cover and 80# (115gsm) matte finish pages, making it excellent quality for a coffee table display and durable enough to survive your garden shed as a guide. 40 pgs. $20 (US)